Training of safety

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Training of safety at work and training of fire safety (SPHW & FS) + First aid

Online training of SPHW & FS is comprised of training of safety at work and training of fire safety. Compliant with legal requirements within the scope of industrial medical services we also offer a first aid course. You can be trained online from the comfort of your office or home, thanks to which the SPHW & FS doesn't take up much time yet is still of high quality.

The online SPHW & FS training course has been compiled by a team of experts. It is interactive, which helps you to remember the large amount of information in the form of animations and pictures.

With us you get an expert guarantee of SPHW & FS training, quality lecturer support, updates on the contents of training, information in the event of legislative changes, and non-stop support for administration of training. KING training covers organisation and records (we watch deadlines, create overviews of training etc.).

After successful completion you will receive a certificate that your employer can use as proof that you have completed training.

Try out our demo-version below.

Contents of SPHW & FS training

SPHW & FS training is aimed at giving a concise, comprehensible and practical explanation, the related updated legislation, pictures, animations and other interactive elements, which make the topics more interesting, and are sometimes underrated due to work being too busy.

The contents of safety at work training and fire safety training are based on legislative requirements and general principles of SPHW & FS, which are the same for all places of work.

Basic topics of Safety at work and fire safety training

Rights and obligations in SPHW, risk prevention, principles for servicing electronic equipment and other equipment, principles of safe handling of loads, ergonomic principles, safety markings, prohibited work, procedure in the event of an accident at work etc.

Basic topics in Fire Safety training

Rights and obligations in FS, FS documentation, principles of fire prevention, most frequent causes of fires, procedure for reporting and extinguishing fires, correct use of extinguishing tools and other FS equipment, principles of evacuation in the event of a fire, fire safety markings etc.

  • We offer company training of SPHW & FS training for managerial staff, employees and for foreigners in English.
  • The length of study for one training session varies. On average it takes users about 60 minutes.
  • The contents of the training can be changed or supplemented according to individual customer requirements.

Contents of the First Aid course

The First aid course contains a familiarisation with the basic procedure in layman's terms of first aid in life-saving and the basic procedure in layman's terms for help in the case of injuries and other sudden changes to state of health. Along with an explanation it includes visual animations and an interactive simulation of a real-life situation for life-saving.

Basic topics of the First aid course

The aims and priorities of first aid, safety, the 155 phone line, stopping bleeding, procedure to take if circulation stops, resuscitation, simulation of a real-life situation, assistance during accidents and other sudden changes to health.

The First aid course is available in Czech and in English.

The length of study varies for individual courses. The average length for completing a course is approximately 45 minutes.


We can also deliver training of SPHW & FS to you in the appropriate format (SCORM, AICC) to your own LMS (eDoceo, iTutor, Moodle, Microsoft SharePoint, Plateau or any other).

Price list for this training.

Online training demos

Demo driver training